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Vizir Brewery from Črnomlje was the first craft brewery in Slovenia. Their original recipes and beer flavours often go beyond expectations and prove that beer can be a pure pleasure.

With a wide range of flavours, each of which is carefully crafted, they strive for diversity in their work and the variety of the craft beers in Slovenia. With high production standards, constant innovation, acquired knowledge and education, they ensure that the quality of their work is felt in every sip of their beers.

They believe that beer is not only a drink to quench your thirst: there are endless possibilities for creating original combinations of beer and cuisine. For more demanding beer lovers, they also offer bottled beers with a stronger character.

Opening hours:

  • By appointment – phone or e-mail


Obiščite spletno stran pivovarja

The team is here for you

The pillar of the Vizir family brewery is the satisfied and motivated Vizir team. The foundation of the brewery is based on values, trust, and passion for the oldest drink in the world.

Rolling hills and spas

Exploring and tasting new brews.

Ljubljana and surroundings

Exploring and tasting new brews.

You can visit also:

Izberite jezik

Are you 18 years old or older?

The Minister of Health warns: excessive drinking of alcohol can be harmful to health.

The Minister of Health warns: excessive drinking of alcohol can be harmful to health.